It's worth asking yourself these questions before you start the process..

Why am I looking for a new job? Unless you've unfortunately had your role disestablished, most of us change jobs for a reason. This might be down to wanting more money, lack of progression, "difficult" manager, travelling distance/time etc. Understanding and recognising why you're looking, will help you focus on targeting and ultimately finding, the most appropriate job.
What am I prepared to compromise on in a new job? If you see a great job but it looks as if it may be paying lower that you ideally want, are you prepared to consider it and why? How adaptable are you around travel times if you're really wanting a better work/life balance? What it is about your manager that you don't like and would you look at another job with a similar Manager? If they appear to have similar traits, how important is that in deciding whether to take the job?
Do I want to work in a large or small company? For some people, the size of the organisation isn't crucial as it's all about the job, but for others, this is really important. Whilst you can't always tell from an ad who the company is, it's good to think about this before you start applying as there'll definitely be some companies/ads you can target if you have a preference. Things to consider here are: will a smaller company provide me with more opportunity - i.e less people, more scope to have a bigger role? Am I likely to get better career progression in a bigger organisation? Do I prefer a smaller company that may have a more relaxed approach to systems and processes or do I thrive in a larger/corporate environment where everything is in place and well documented?
How long am I prepared to wait for the right job? If you have the luxury of being in a good job and are moving for non-urgent reasons, then you probably have time on your side and can wait. If your situation means you want or need to move sooner rather than later, take time to make sure you don't quickly "jump" into something else that you may regret later.
What happens if I get a new job, resign and then my company persuades me to stay? This may seem an odd question to consider before you even start your search, but addressing it now will make you focus on how much you really want a change. It's becoming increasingly common in this candidate short market, for people to get a job offer, go to their Manager with their resignation letter and then suddenly receive promises and offers to make them stay. While it can be tempting to accept this counter-offer, a lot of ill-will can be caused if this happens, so it's worth thinking
why you started looking in the first place
why your employer didn't seem to value you until you handed in your resignation
whether you'll be regarded differently going forward because you've shown you weren't committed to the company
whether the salary increase and/or new job title and/or new responsibilities will really make a difference to how you feel
whether you're turning down an opportunity because it's just "easier to stay with who and what you know" than start again
is there a good probability that you'll be looking again in 6 month's time? Research shows this is the usual timeframe that most people who accept a counter-offer from their employer re-start the job search process
Once you've asked yourself these questions, you're ready to start looking for that new job. Tips and guidance on how to find a new job that really matches what you're looking for can be found here.